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Video library
The Catalysis team benefits from the insights of its thoughtful clients and friends. Our videos provide a window into their collective experience.
Antoine Raoux, Investor and director
Topics: Handling recessionary times; Taking over an investee from another colleague; Assessing management teams
Gareth Whiley, Investor in UK, Europe and beyond
Topics: Implications of the changing investment environment for new investor directors; Balancing growth ambitions and organisational underpinnings
George Swirski, experienced mid-market investor in Central Europe
Topics: The changing role of investor directors; What do you wish you had known when you started as an investor director?; Building growth strategies
Jane Crawford, Investor and Chair
Topics: How investor directors can add value; Bringing value from investors’ own organisations; Handling recessionary conditions
Nicki Boyd, Investor and entrepreneur
Topics: Investing after running your own business; How important is management?; Balancing strategy and execution
Victor Vadaneaux, Investor, entrepreneur and operating partner
Topics: How to get investors, Chairs, CEOs and operating partners working well together; Getting the investor-CEO relationship right; Creating executable strategies
Ben Slatter, Special situations investor
Topics: How different is special situations investing? Developing non-financial insight in investors with a financial background; identifying opportunities during a recession
Chairs and non-executives
Patrick Dunne, Investor and director, now on board governance
Topics: Reconciling the roles of investor and company director; Appointing Chairs; Balancing growth ambitions and organisational underpinnings
Chris Harper, Investor and now a Chair, NED and adviser for growth companies
Topics: Implications of the changing investment environment for new investor directors; Is ‘Management, Management, Management’ a useful slogan for investors?; Balancing growth ambitions and organisational underpinnings
Catherine Wall, Investor and non-executive
Topics: Is ‘Management, Management, Management’ still a useful slogan for investors?;Tips of making judgement calls about people; how can a Chair help make a management team more successful?
John Nicholson, PE & VC NED and Chair
Topics: Advice for CEOs wanting to move towards a non-executive career; advice for generalist investors looking to do more tech deals; advice on handling this special recession
Martin Leuw, Entrepreneur, investor and Chair
Topics: Advice for CEOs wanting to move towards a non-executive career; advice for generalist investors looking to do more tech deals; how different is social impact investing?
Tim Farazmand, Chair and impact investor
Topics: The increasing time investors spend on non-financial issues; how different is value-adding handled by impact investors?; how can Chairs and investors handle the recession we are entering?
Company executives
Neil Logan, CEO of a PE-backed digital services business
Topics: Advice to first time private equity CEOs; Building a relationship with investors and Chairs; Balancing ambition and execution
Richard Simpson, CEO of growth companies
Topics: Moving from a privately owned family business into private equity as a CEO; handling the immediate post-deal period; balancing ambitions and organisational capacity
Talent advisers to investors
Cindy Casciani, Adviser on Chair and NED appointments
Topics: Why do candidate/company mismatches occur in so many searches?; Using a tool to increase the accuracy of role requirements; Peacetime and wartime Chairs
Hazel Cameron, Adviser on executive and non-executive appointments
Topics: How investor practices dealing with management issues have evolved; Getting Chair appointments right; Helping investor directors get better at handling people issues
Ian Paterson, Coach to growth company CEOs
Topics: Coaching CEOs; Is a coach needed, and how to choose one?; Setting growth strategies as an NED
James Wheeler, Adviser on interim roles
Topics: Identifying interim requirements during a recession; Which skills are most critical for companies under pressure?; How investors can improve their judgement about managers
Sarah Hunt, Adviser on FD and other financial roles
Topics: Why recruitment processes can go wrong; A tool to make recruitment easier for everyone; Lessons about FD requirements
Simon Havers, Head-hunter and investor
Topics: Do investors look widely enough for talent?; How to improve recruitment practice; What do first-time PE CEOs worry about investors?
Jana Klimecki, Business psychologist and coach
Topics: Have PE houses got any better at handling management talent?; How to give new appointees proper development; Digesting management due diligence
Katy Lindsay, Management development adviser
Topics: Translating due diligence insights into management development; how management development can be achieved without high costs in time and money; using tech for management development
Ally Maughan, Founder and Chair of People Puzzles
Topics: Accessing part-time HR director resources; HR as a source of strategic advice; main people issues in growth companies
Kevin Burke and Sam Perry, Globalization Partners
Topics: Reducing the complexity of internationalisation; entering the US market; managing the international staff footprint; finding staff abroad
Other advisers
Dominic Monkhouse, Business Coach
Dominic Monkhouse is a leading business coach and mentor who specialises in helping B2B tech startups and fast-growth SMBs scale from 50 to 500 employees. His approach is rooted in real-world experience, having personally scaled two UK tech firms from zero to £30 million (Rackspace and Peer 1).
Tom Raymond, Provider of CDD and post-deal strategy advice
Topics: Getting more benefit from DD outputs; Post-deal value-creation advice; Helping investees get back on track when hit by recession
Ian Howard, Director of Neotas
Neotas - Fintech business which checks candidate backgrounds
Topics: Why tech solutions to people issues are growing; Specific private equity angles on people diligence; Getting best value from solutions like Neotas
Graeme Hall, Adviser on sales effectiveness
Topics: Why do sales-driven growth strategies go wrong?; What to look for when appointing Sales directors?; Sales during a recession
Andros Payne, Adviser on organisational effectiveness
Topics: Why investors are spending more time on non-financial issues; the benefits of deploying on-line tools; handling the coming recession
Lushani Kodituwakku, Provider of CDD and post-deal strategy advice
Topics: Getting more benefit from tech company DD; Connecting DD to value creation plans; Navigating the recession strategically
Andy Cook, Founder and CEO of Better Faster Growth
Topics: The various elements of sales effectiveness; Where to make changes for quickest benefit; How investor directors can check sales effectiveness for themselves.
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