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Mid-market insights from Mike

News and company updates

  • 5 Questions with Kirsty Baggs-Morgan

    With a background in international HR leadership and significant experience supporting business leaders as a qualified coach, Kirsty Baggs-Morgan has seen how often leaders underestimate how long things will take and try to do too much at once.

  • 5 Questions with Chris Wilkinson

    Chris Wilkinson knows first-hand how stressful and transformative it can be for small growth businesses to partner with new investors. As a coach and advisor with Catalysis Advisory, he draws on his experiences as an HR Director at high-growth, venture-backed startups to help leaders in innovative growth businesses.

  • 5 Questions with Iain Hunter

    Iain Hunter, who has extensive experience in business development, marketing, communications, operations and systems and processes. His experience spans numerous geographies and involves working with a wide range of businesses, from start-ups and SMEs through to more mature organisations.

Video library

  • Antoine Raoux, experienced investor and director

    Topics: Handling recessionary times; Taking over an investee from another colleague; Assessing management teams

  • Patrick Dunne, Chair, Boardelta

    Topics: Reconciling the roles of investor and company director; Appointing Chairs; Balancing growth ambitions and organisational underpinnings

  • Neil Logan, CEO, Incremental Group

    Topics: Advice to first time private equity CEOs; Building a relationship with investors and Chairs; Balancing ambition and execution.