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Mid-market insights from Mike

Thoughts on growing mid-market companies.

How easy is it to predict the success of CEOs and FDs?

The importance of CEOs and FDs to the success (or failure) of private equity backed companies is relatively self-evident. But to what extent can we glean useful clues from data regarding incumbent or candidate executives before either doing additional assessment work or making a decision?...

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The mid-market transition: If you want to make something significantly better, make it into a “thing”

…. How do we get important things done in growth companies? Take the examples of Sales and Operations which are at the core of most businesses. For starters, we create dedicated functions and populate them with people who have relevant skills and manage them through senior managers with relevant experience.

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Value enablement, Mid-market transition ANTHEA VIDLER Value enablement, Mid-market transition ANTHEA VIDLER

Building value with less sweat and blood: the role of catalytic intervention

…. Some months ago, I argued that formal value creation methodologies – created to address the problems of a less favourable investing environment – could be self-defeating unless balanced by greater attention to how teams and organisations build value in practice (which Catalysis refers to as value enablement.

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